JERA is the journal of the European Radon Association

Journal of European Radon Association Logo/header

JERA is a non-profit, blind peer-reviewed and open access journal of the European Radon Association that focuses on radon research and practices.

The purpose of JERA is to publish original research, review articles and/or technical papers relating to radon, thoron and decay products.

Learn more about the journal’s Aims & Scope.

Go to the JERA web site for further information and to submit your manuscript:

Journal of the European Radon Association (



JERA is a non-profit, peer-reviewed and open access journal of the European Radon Association that focuses on radon research and practices.

The purpose of JERA is to publish original research, review articles and/or technical papers relating to radon, thoron and decay products.

The subject areas covered by the journal concern all aspects of radon. Therefore, the publications can cover topics such as radon metrology, radon mapping, radon measurement procedures and protocols, legislation and its practical application, radon in indoor air, soil, water and materials, health effects, radon mitigation and prevention techniques, thoron etc.

Authors may contact the Editor-in-Chief in advance to inquire about whether their research topic is suitable for consideration by the Journal of the European Radon Association.

Through an Open Access publishing model, the Journal of the European Radon Association provides an important forum where people working with radon in academic, public and private sectors can present the latest results from radon research and practical applications.

ERA welcomes membership applications from those who have an active interest in the field of radon