European Radon Day 2019

The theme for this year´s European Radon Day is RADON PREVENTION. We have prepared posters in different languages with some tips for effective radon prevention. Please send us your activities on the ERD 2019.

Download the infographics for the day in different languages:

Satellite events European Radon Day 2019

The Postdam Radon Communication manifesto




A campaign was launched to publish information for radon on the all official websites
of the Regional Health Inspections and on the National Center for Radiology and Radiation Protection under Ministry of Health in Bulgaria. You can find further information on the following links:новини/актуални-новини/1509-novina_07112019ноември-европейски-ден-на-радон-2019-г/новини



The German Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) supports the European Radon Day with special infos on the web page
To the occasion of its thirtieth anniversary, the Federal Office for Radiation Protection was proud to host the ROOMS 2019, a European conference focused on practical Radon prevention. (

On the 7th of November ENA is planning to hold a public meeting in Offenburg, Baden-Württemberg/Germany, which is part of the Radon awareness campaign by the Ministry for Environment, Climate and Energy of Baden-Württemberg. The campaign comprises many more public meetings before and after November 7 (see newspaper ad), plus several information meeting for the construction industry, employers and authorities in October through December 2019, and possibly well into 2020.


  • EPA Ireland Press release:,67225,en.html
  • EPA Ireland will be issuing 12 regional press releases on 11th November.  The 12 regional releases will focus on each of the 12 priority counties.  They will provide the data for each county, the estimated number of homes that have tested high and not remediated and be encouraging homeowners to remediate.
  • EPA Ireland will also run an advertisement campaign for one week on RTE radio 1 (beginning on 7th November) and on local radio in the 12 priority counties.  They will also have a Twitter campaign on @EPARadiation.  Their local press release for county Wexford will highlight a pilot study to lend digital monitors to homeowners that have already carried out a 3 month test, are above the reference level and have not yet remediated.  EPA Ireland will lend passive detectors to members of the public through a library in county Wexford – they will borrow the monitors in the same way as they would borrow a book for 3 weeks. This is the info regarding the library pilot:


ERA welcomes membership applications from those who have an active interest in the field of radon