European Radon Association (ERA) elections will take place later this year. The ERA has two main organs – the Executive Committee and the General Assembly. An Ordinary General Assembly takes place once a year, ordinary ERA members receive one vote and each company member has two votes per company. With elections on the horizon, it’s worth understanding the objectives of the ERA if you are considering putting yourself forward for a role on the Executive Committee. They are:
If you are a member of the Executive Committee you are required to devote time pro bono to the association. The committee meets on average once every 1.5 months. There are working groups within the committee and also other activities that require input. All members of the committee must be committed to the objectives of the ERA and proactively engage to enhance the publics awareness of the dangers of radon.
The ERA is a non- profit International Organisation registered under Belgian law (number 549.923.484). It has been formed to serve the interests of the European radon community. To this end, it is unselfish in its activity. As the ERA is purely for public benefit, its funds may only be utilised for purposes in accordance with the statutes. Therefore, potential travelling costs are not covered by the ERA. In addition, it may not favour any person by means of expenditures which are foreign to the objectives of the Association. The ERA’s code of ethics can be found here and its statutes here.
More information will follow on the exact timings of the elections.